
Indigenous knowledge Systems, also known as  Indigenous Knowledge, Traditional Knowledge, Folk Knowledge, is a unique asset covering many aspects of a particular community, culture, or society. Thus, Indigenous Knowledge Systems have gained particular attention worldwide this millennium in seeking solutions for evolving challenges.

The Second International Research Symposium on Multidisciplinary Approaches in Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IRSIKS) is a unique academic event organized to be held annually by the Gampaha Wickramarachchi University of Indigenous Medicine (GWUIM) with the aim of sharing knowledge and experiences of experts in different fields of indigenous knowledge systems focusing on identifying potential solutions for emerging issues related to the wellbeing of mankind and the environment.

This symposium endeavors to create a common platform to provide opportunities for researchers, academics and entrepreneurs in different fields to present their findings and to discuss, debate, and critique such knowledge and methods that would contribute to the sustainable development of society on the theme:

 “Harnessing Indigenous Knowledge for the Sustainable Development of Sri Lanka”

The symposium features a keynote presentation titled "Harnessing Indigenous Knowledge for the Sustainable Development of Sri Lanka," along with presentations on specific sub-themes from relevant faculties.

Faculty of Indigenous Medicine

  • Explanation and exploration of the principles of Ayurveda and Traditional Medicine
  • Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics, and Product Developments in Ayurveda
  • Ayurveda Clinical, Experimental, and Theoretical Research
  • Ayurveda Health Promotion, Preventive Care, and Local Health Traditions
  • Conventional Culinary Techniques and Recipes for a Healthy Life

Faculty of Indigenous Health Sciences and Technology

  • Integrating Health Tourism with Tourism and Hospitality
  • Integrating Yoga and Parapsychology for Holistic Wellbeing
  • Ethnopharmacology
  • Sustainable Agriculture and Agroecology
  • Advances in Pharmaceuticals, Nutraceuticals and Natural Products
  • Environmental Management towards Ecological, and Economic Sustainability and Resilience
  • Applications in Plant Biotechnology for Crop Improvement
  • Advances in Biomedical Field
  • Advances in Biotechnology
  • Applications in Electronics and Robotics for Biomedical Improvement
  • Emerging Technologies and the Future of ICT

Faculty of Indigenous Social Sciences and Management Studies

  • Indigenous Knowledge-led Management for a Changing Society
  • Indigenous Knowledge Systems and their Relevance for Sustainable Development
  • Digitalization for Sustainable Development
  • Multidisciplinary Studies in the Social Sciences
  • Understanding Indigenous Society and Indigenous Knowledge Systems
  • Cultural Interpretations of Illness, Health-care and Services
  • Science, Religion and Indigenous Knowledge Systems

Further, the GWUIM intends to launch its official Journal (International Journal of the Gampaha Wickramarachchi University of Indigenous Medicine) and News (GWUIM News) parallel to the symposium to mark an important historical milestone of the University – the third anniversary of the University.

Thus, GWUIM invites interested contributors around the world to this virtual international research symposium to share knowledge and experiences that would be beneficial for sustainable global  development.

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