Presentation Guidelines

Presentation Format 

  • Use the presentation template.
  • Presentations should be in English and prepared in .ppt/.pptx format only.
  • PowerPoint version 2007 or newer is supported.
  • It is recommended to use a light or dark consistent background throughout the presentation.
  • Font colors should be in a readable color and size to achieve good contrast with the background color.
  • Photographs and videos should be of adequate resolution.
  • The use of company logos or trade names should be avoided on any audio-video aid that is used in your presentation.
  • References/Bibliography slide should be placed before the last slide.


Time Allocation

  • Duration of the oral presentation is 10 minutes, followed by a 05-minute question & answer session.
  • The session chairs will strictly enforce time limits on your presentation.
  • To manage your time, please be aware of the length of your presentation.
  • General guidelines recommend one PowerPoint slide per minute.
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