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Department of Ayurveda Basic Principles

Faculty of Indigenous Medicine
Contact Us
Head: +94 33 40102 | Office: +94 33 40102, +94 33 2222 748


The Department of Ayurveda Basic Principles offers wide range of activities related to teaching and learning of the basic principles of Ayurveda and Modern Medical sciences.

The department offers 15 course units viz. History of Medicine, Padārthavijñāna, Mānava Śarirarachanā vijñāna (Human Gross Anatomy), Mānava Śarirakriyā vijñāna (Human Physiology) I, II, III, Introduction to Biochemistry, Human Histology, Metabolism and Nutrition, Embryology and Genetics, Molecular Biology, Immunology and Information and Communication Technology I, II, III for undergraduate training of BAMS students of Level I, II, III and IV.

Course Content
History of Medicine Mānavaśarīraracanāvijñāna (Human Gross Anatomy)
Mānavaśarīrakriyāvijñāna (Human Physiology) I
Introduction to Biochemistry
Information & Communication Technology Ι
Padārthavijñāna Human Histology
Mānavaśarīrakriyāvijñāna (Human Physiology) II
Metabolism and Nutrition Embryology and Genetics Mānavaśarīrakriyāvijñāna (Human Physiology) III
Molecular Biology Immunology
Information & Communication Technology ΙΙ
Information & Communication Technology ΙΙI

Course units offered by the department

Level I Semester I
Level and Semester Subject Code Course unit Credit value
Level I Semester I BPHM 11011 History of Medicine 01
BPHA 11024 Mānava Śarirarachanā vijñāna (Human Gross Anatomy) 04
BPHP 11034 Mānava Śarirakriyā vijñāna (Human Physiology) I 04
BPBC 11042 Introduction to Biochemistry 02
BPIT 11051 Information and Communication Technology Ι 01

Head of the Department

Dr. (Mrs.) H.P.I.J. Kaldera
B.A.M.S. (Hons.) (KLN), M.Phil (KLN)
Senior Lecturer Gr. II
Core facilities (undergraduate ) & resources available

The Department of Ayurveda Basic principles maintains a 1000 sq.ft. (50 student capacity) carcasses lab (Dissection room), anatomy model room (50 student capacity) and a specimen collection for anatomy practical and self-studies. The 2500 sq.ft. Model room is comprised of a huge collection of live human-like models. The department possesses two (5000 sq.ft.) well-equipped lecture halls with multi-media facility to cater 200 student capacity. In addition, a collection of histological slides, anatomical graphs and all the instruments used in clinical examination are available for undergraduate training

Academic Staff of the Department

Dr. S.L. Wewalwala
B.A.M.S. (Hons.) (KLN), M.Phil(KLN)
Senior Lecturer Gr. II
Dr. (Ms.) N.S. Abegunasekara
BAMS(Hons.) (KLN), MD (Ayu - Rachana Shareera) (RGUHS - India), PG Dip. in Health care Quality & Patient Safety (CMB), Advanced English for Academic Purposes (CMB)
Dr. (Ms.) U.D. Withanachchi
B.A.M.S. (Hons.) (KLN), MSc (Malaysia)
Lecturer (Probationary)
Dr. Dinusha Balasooriya
BAMS (Hons) Kelaniya
Lecturer (Probationary)
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Gampaha Wickramarachchi University of Indigenous Medicine,
Kandy Road, Yakkala,
Sri Lanka.


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