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Faculty of Indigenous Medicine

Gampaha Wickramarachchi University of Indigenous Medicine
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Head: +94 332215723 | Office: +94 332215865, +94 33 2222 748


The Faculty of Indigenous Medicine is the premier indigenous medical school in the country located in the Yakkala town with easy access to the Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Teaching Hospital.
The Gampaha Wickramarachchi University of Indigenous Medicine was ceremoniously inaugurated and bestowed upon the nation on the 1st of March 2021, upgrading the Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute as the 16th national University in Sri Lanka. The Faculty of Indigenous Medicine was established under this new University to offer an excellent educational environment for learning, teaching and research in the fields of Ayurveda medicine, in line with the long-standing traditions we have ever maintained since the establishment of our founder institute in 1929.
The Faculty has the expertise, technology and resources to produce a well-rounded medical graduate, who is capable of meeting the current demands of the healthcare system. Its dedicated, high talent academic and support staff is genuinely committed to provide their best to the student the community to ensure that the end-product is academically sound and has the right aptitudes to be a caring medical professional.
The following Academic Departments have been established under this Faculty:
• Department of Ayurveda Basic Principles
• Department of Cikitsa
• Department of Drvyaguna vignana
• Department of Kaumarabhruthya and Streeroga
• Department of Shalyashalakya
• Department of Languages
• Department of Rogavijnana
• Department of Desheeya Cikitsa

Professor (Mrs.) K.P.P. Peiris
Dean -
Faculty of Indigenous Medicine
Professor in Department of Shalyashalakya
B.A.M.S.(Hons.)(CMB),M.S.(Ay.)Shalakya(BHU–India), Ph.D. (Ayu.)-Shalakya-(GAU – India)

Ayurveda Basic Principles

The Department of Ayurveda Basic Principles conducts a wide range of activities related to teaching and learning of the fundamentals of Ayurveda and modern medical sciences.


The Department of Cikitsa extends its services and facilities to the undergraduate programmes with the objectives of providing professional training and skills.

Desheeya Cikitsa

The Department of Desheeya Chikitsa, a newly established Department, provides facilities for learning, research and clinical activities related to various schools of medicine in the traditional medical system in Sri Lanka.

Drvyaguna vignana

The Department of Drvyaguna vignana conducts a wide range of academic programmes, research and industrial training activities in the disciplines of Dravyagunavignana, Rasa Shastra and Bhaisajya Kalpana.

Kaumarabhruthya and Streeroga

The Department of Kaumarabhruthya and Streeroga conducts academic and research activities in the fields of Stree Roga, Prasuti Tantra and Kaumarabhruthya  that represent the most challenging and exciting frontier in Ayurveda medical sector.


The Department of Languages mainly conducts Sanskrit language courses, an essential component of indigenous medical education.


The Department of Rogavijnana was newly established with a view to expanding the scope of the discipline engaging in clinical, educational and research missions.


The Department of Shalyashalakya provides hands-on training on application of surgical and para surgical procedures to the BAMS undergraduates and postgraduate scholars in the fields of Shalya Tantra and Shalakya Tantra to ensure the acquisition of excellent clinical skills.
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Gampaha Wickramarachchi University of Indigenous Medicine,
Kandy Road, Yakkala,
Sri Lanka.


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