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Russian Chuvash State Pedagogical University signs Memorandums of Understanding with three Sri Lankan Universities

On 29 December 2022, the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Russia organized a Signing Ceremony of Memorandums of Understanding between the UI. Y. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University (ChSPU), Russia and South Eastern University of Sri Lanka (SEUSL), University of Vavuniya (VAU) and Gampaha Wickramarachchi University of Indigenous Medicine (GWUIM). While making welcome remarks Prof. Janitha A. Liyanage, H. E. the Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Russia, congratulated all four Universities on reaching this stage of cooperation and highlighted the importance of this occasion for development of educational relations between Sri Lanka and Russia. The Head of the Mission called on the Universities to implement all Articles of the MoUs and assured that the Embassy is always ready to facilitate to all sides in case any support is required in the future. Addressing the gathering, Prof. V. N. Ivanov, Acting Rector of ChSPU, expressed his gratitude to the Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Russia for her support in bringing together Sri Lankan and Russian Universities and informed that the ChSPU would be implementing its efforts to work productively and reach results for the betterment of the two peoples. Acting Rector also invited students and academicians of the three Universities to visit Chuvash region in the framework of the future joint activities. Prof. Dr. A. Rameez, Vice Chancellor of the SEUSL, said that it is a privilege of the University to enter into an agreement with the ChSPU, as this is the first agreement, which the SEUSL signs with the Russian party. In its cooperation with the ChSPU the University would focus on carrying out joint activities, such as training specialists, conducting conferences, preparing joint publications, exchanging academicians and doing research. In the following speech Prof. T. Mangaleshwaran, Vice-Chancellor of the VAU, highlighted the fact that since ChSPU is planning to open its Center of Russian Language and Culture on the basis of the University, it would enable students to get exposure to the international culture and Russian language, which is a valuable opportunity to the young generation. Vice-Chancellor also underlined that the contact group of the University would be facilitating to joint research, which is currently of high importance to Sri Lanka. Prof. Ranjana W. Seneviratne, Vice Chancellor of the GWUIM, also thanked Acting Rector of ChSPU for giving the opportunity to open a Center of Russian Language and Culture on the basis of GWUIM, which would contribute to multiple spheres, such as tourism, health tourism, trade, training of Sri Lankan students willing to study in Russia, etc. Vice Chancellor mentioned that knowledge transfer would mutually benefit to both sides and appreciated the Embassy efforts to bring the Universities together.

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